Thursday, December 29, 2011

Journal #10 - Insight

Often at the end of a play, Shakespeare’s tragic heroes often have a moment of insight. What is Othello’s insight? Look closely at Othello’s last speech before answering this question.

Othello’s insight comes right before he ends his own life. His insight starts with realizing that he killed his loving wife, Desdemona, because of false reasons. He had killed her because Iago fed him lies about her being unfaithful. He knows that he ruined his whole life because of lies. Before he dies, he tells his friends to write about him and not just say the good things, but tell of his bad characteristics and other things that make him imperfect. He wants people to know he let jealously get the best of him. He wants all to know that you cannot trust even your closest friends, because one of his betrayed him. His insight includes him realizing that you should be careful who you trust and never believe anything you hear unless you hear it for yourself. He wanted to die an honorable death. Now that Desdemona was dead, he had nothing else to live for in his mind. Ultimately, his insight made him realize that honesty is always the best policy.

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